Maui Wedding Ceremony Flowers and Bouquets. Scroll down to see bouquets. Pricing includes delivery to venue.
Circle of flower petals $450.
Add a pop of color to your ceremony! These flower petal circles are make with fresh real flower petals (roses, hibiscus and bougainvillea).
Please note you may also e-mail us photos of bouquets and we will have our florist quote on that same style.

Dendrobium Orchid Spray
From $125

Cymbidium Orchids and Pastel Roses

Tropical with Vibrant Color Mix (Seasonal Flowers)

Flame Calalilies with Orange and Red Color Mix

Green Cymbidium Orchids

White Lilies, and White Orchids
$200 medium

White Mini Cala Lilies
w/10 stems $195, 20 stems $250

Tropical Orchid Cascade

Pastel Seasonal Mix

Hand Tied Roses (available in red, yellow, white and pink)
1 dozen $195 18 roses $250

Stargazer Lily with Pastel Mix Bouquet

Modern White Nosegay with Green Beargrass Swirls
1 dozen roses without Beargrass $225 With Beargrass $235